Tired, But Wired? You May Have Adrenal Fatigue


Do you have Adrenal Fatigue?

Are you constantly struggling to get out of bed in the morning and crutching on coffee for “fuel”? Do you have intense salt or sugar cravings, especially around 3pm? Are you gaining weight around your midsection despite diet and exercise interventions? Trouble falling asleep at night? If yes, yes and yes, you may have adrenal fatigue!

Take this quiz to find out where you fall on the spectrum of adrenal fatigue.

Your adrenal glands are two tiny glands, approximately the size of a walnut, that sit atop each of your kidneys (in your lower back). While they have many functions that include regulating the hormones, bodily fluids and immune system, their primary responsibility is to process and manage all incoming stress.

Adrenal fatigue occurs when the body is under more stress than it can keep up with. The adrenals get overworked and tired which can make you feel completely flatlined with energy. The body NEEDS REST and when it doesn’t get it, various systems and structures start breaking down.

Regardless of whether you’re a student studying for finals, stay-at-home mom running after kids or working professional with strict deadlines, in this day and age, stress is unavoidable. But, the more stress you have, the more demand is placed on the adrenals.

If you’re looking to regain your energy and strength, beat the bloat and rebalance your hormones, support your adrenals with the following:

  1. Never skip breakfast - eating a protein-rich meal within 1 hour of rising is THE most important thing you can do for your adrenals because it creates blood sugar balance right off the bat. Note: if you’re into intermittent fasting, I recommend skipping dinner rather than breakfast.

  2. Add sea salt - the kidneys and adrenals work hand-in-hand to balance the fluids within your body and minerals such as sodium and potassium act as electrolytes. By including mineral-rich sea salt such as Real Salt® or Himalayan pink salt, in your diet, you provide the adrenals with the raw materials they need to function properly.

  3. Limit caffeine - when you’re in a state of adrenal fatigue, your body NEEDS rest, not stimulation. Caffeine gives you a false sense of energy so you’re able to carry on with your day as normal but it’s often followed by a big crash or sleep disturbances at night. If you’re a coffee drinker, I recommend switching to matcha green tea which is more gentle and balancing. If you aren’t ready to give up coffee yet, just make sure you buy organic beans (coffee is heavily sprayed with chemicals) and have it with a meal, never on an empty stomach.

  4. Avoid intense exercise - this may seem counterintuitive, especially if you are trying to lose weight, but all exercise, especially vigorous workouts = stress. Long runs, HIIT classes or heavy weight lifting call for energy that the body simply doesn’t have. I recommend yoga, walking, Pilates or light weight lifting until you’ve rested, healed and feel your natural energy returning.

  5. Get to bed by 10pm - sleep is ESSENTIAL to healing and the earlier you get to bed, the higher quality of sleep you’ll get. If you’re fighting the tired feeling at night to watch just one more show, spend time with the family or get in extra work for the day, I encourage you to make a shift. Right when you get tired is the time to go to bed, even if it’s only 8pm. Why? When you push through, you eventually get a second wind and falling asleep later will be 3x as hard.

The go-go-go world that we live in today demands superhuman energy and quite simply, we can’t keep up. What our bodies need now, more than ever, is to rest, nourish and repair, not to push harder and achieve more. Although full-blown adrenal fatigue can take 6 months to a year to heal, by following these simple tips, you can start the process of regaining your energy and strength.

Want more personalized guidance? Click HERE to book a One-On-One Coaching Session with me.

Adrenal Fatigue Quiz Results

If you scored 19-22

You are in Full-Blown Adrenal Fatigue

Your stress has led you to burnout and you're exhausted as a result. Instead of intermittent fasting and coffee, I recommend eating a high-protein breakfast and drinking matcha lattes.

If you scored 23-30

You are Hormonally Balanced

Your adrenals are in a good spot (yay!) but you may still be having trouble reaching your personal health goals. Perhaps these weightloss tips and energy boosters will help.

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