Adaptogens for Energy, Mood & Hormonal Balance

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From stay-at-home moms to CEOs, stress is an inevitable part of life. Whether you work 12 hour days or are simply trying to juggle all the tasks of daily life, the amount of stress that we take on (as humans, in the modern world) can easily become too much for our bodies to handle.

When stress is high and rest is low consistently for a long period of time, things get thrown out of wack and the body starts breaking down. Chronic fatigue (despite a full night of sleep), depression, anxiety, bloating and indigestion, weight gain, declining memory, increased allergy symptoms, sleeplessness, hair loss and intense cravings are just a few of the symptoms that may present themselves. These “symptoms” are your body’s way of alerting you to a problem so you have an opportunity to address it before the nagging symptom becomes a bigger issue - chronic illness, disease, cancer, etc.

The seemingly obvious way to deal with stress is to remove it, but, if you think about it, this is oversimplified and often realistic. You may need that job; your husband, wife, kids, mom, dad may need you; you may be living in an apartment that’s infested with mold; you may be going through a period of time where things are tough and you’re just trying your best to survive.

My approach is always food and lifestyle interventions first, but supplements (when sourced correctly and used properly) can help fill in the blanks and get you to where you want to go faster. The concentrated amounts of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and healing compounds they provide can be tailored to your specific needs. If you’re having trouble sleeping, GABA may help. If you’re low on energy, add B vitamins. When seasonal allergies kick in, try vitamin C and quercetin. And, when stress is high, I recommend incorporating ADAPTOGENS.

Adaptogens are a unique class of herbs and medicinal mushrooms that help rebalance your body after, or maintain balance during, periods of high stress. With very few side effects* and a long list of benefits, adaptogens can be used to increase your energy, cognitive function and output when you’re feeling physically, mentally and emotionally unable to keep up.

Although each variety has an intended use, the most fascinating part about adaptogens is the outcome varies from person to person. For example, if your body needs a booster, you may feel energized after taking x adaptogen; however, your anxious and sleepless friend may use the same supplement and feel calmer. Why? Because these herbs have the unique ability to “adapt” to your body’s needs at that specific time. Their action is intended to bring you back to a state of balance, aka homeostasis. Great for combating fatigue and increasing vitality, adaptogens also help boost immunity and cognitive function, decrease inflammation, and rebalance the hormones.

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Here are my favorite Adaptogens:

  1. Ashwagandha - I often refer to this herb as the “master balancer” because of its incredible ability to increase or decrease cortisol - your body’s primary stress hormone - based on your specific needs at that time. Ashwagandha also boosts immunity, rebalances blood pressure, supports thyroid function and nourishes the adrenal glands.

    Ashwagandha has a very strong taste; in fact, it’s so strong that in Sanskrit, ashwagandha translates to “horse smell”. I recommend taking it as an extract or encapsulated as a supplement day or night (depending on your intended use).

  2. Maca root - rich in protein, fiber, calcium, magnesium, arginine and glycine, this root has been used medicinally for hundreds of years to increase energy, libido and fertility while boosting the mood and help the body cope with adrenal fatigue.

    Nutty and sweet with caramel notes, this yummy superfood powder can easily be added to smoothies, hot chocolate, matcha lattes and/or chocolate treats to improve flavor, nutrients and health-boosting properties. I recommend including maca in your morning or pre-workout regime as it offers a nice energetic boost! Caution: if you’re suffering with later stages of adrenal fatigue, maca may be too stimulating for you; start low and slow (1/2 tsp.) and work your way up to 1-2 tsp. maca powder a day, if tolerated.

  3. Reishi mushrooms - referred to as the “mushroom of immortality”, reishi is an immune-boosting superstar that’s packed with beta-glucans, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. Most known for fighting cancer and reducing tumors, reishi also helps reduce high blood pressure, balance blood sugar levels, improve liver function, stave off infection and mitigate seasonal allergy symptoms.

    Given its woody texture and bitter taste, reishi powder is best added to coffee in the morning or savory soups at night. You can also take it in supplemental or tincture form.

  4. Cordyceps - traditional Chinese medicine recommends this medicinal mushroom to energize and strengthen. Often used to improve athletic performance, cordyceps support stamina and endurance while boosting blood flow and oxygen delivery to the brain and body. This helps reduce fatigue, improve mental function and boost sex drive.

    I recommend adding cordyceps powder to your pre-workout drink, morning coffee or tea for an energetic boost.

  5. Licorice root - providing a natural sweetness that’s up to 50 times sweetener than sugar (without the calories), licorice root is helpful for curbing sugar cravings. It also nourishes the adrenal glands and contains soothing, anti-inflammatory compounds that help reduce IBS symptoms and alleviate respiratory conditions.

    A mug of warm licorice root tea mid-afternoon helps coat and soothe the digestive tract lining while curbing sugar cravings. In supplemental form, DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice) can be used to address leaky gut, ulcers and IBS symptoms. Note: licorice root can increase blood pressure; avoid taking, especially in large amounts for long periods of time, if you have high blood pressure.

Regardless of whether you’ve pinpointed stress as an issue for you or not, if you’re just feeling “off” (run down, lifeless, brain foggy, unmotivated, sleepless, anxious, etc.), adaptogens can help rebalance your system and bring you back to life! *Although generally recognized as safe, if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding or taking prescription medications, I recommend speaking with your doctor before adding adaptogens to your regime.

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