Top 5 Immune Boosters

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We are exposed to microorganisms every second of every day. Bacteria, viruses, parasites find their way into our bodies via the mouth, nose, skin and mucous membranes from the food we eat, air we breathe, surfaces we touch and people we interact with. Whether or not (and how often) we get sick is a reflection of how well our immune system is working.

A healthy body depends on a strong immune system. Essential for fighting COVID-19, infections, colds and flu, your immune system also helps regulate allergies, prevents autoimmune conditions, preserves your energy and mood, and SO MUCH MORE!

Keep your immune system boosted by implementing the following strategies:

  1. Increase vitamin C, vitamin D and adaptogens - I recommend including these 3 essentials in your DAILY regime via food and/or supplementation.

    Vitamin C is a powerhouse vitamin and antioxidant for daily immunity. Obtained from food sources such as broccoli, bell peppers, strawberries and citrus fruit, I recommend including at least 1,000mg vitamin C per day.

    Vitamin D is a fat-soluble nutrient that’s so powerful, it acts more like a hormone than a vitamin. With limited food sources available, and (for most people) limited sun exposure, I recommend supplementing 2,000-5,000IU vitamin D per day.

    Adaptogens are a unique class of herbs and medicinal mushrooms that boost immunity, energy and mood while rebalancing hormones during periods of high stress. Click here to learn more about how to incorporate them into your regime.

  2. Optimize your gut health - 70-80% of your immune system lies in your gut! Whether you have digestive issues (i.e. bloating, gas, constipation, acid reflux) or not, the holistic approach to immunity starts with healing the gastrointestinal tract (aka your gut).

    By eating lots of high-fiber, plant-based foods and adding things like probiotics, fermented foods and grass-fed bone broth to your diet, you support gut health while rebuilding and repairing damage that’s been caused to the one-cell-thin lining of your G.I. tract. If you are frequently sick, immunocompromised or suspect “leaky gut”, I recommend implementing the 4R Approach.

  3. Practice good sleep hygiene - getting a good night of sleep EVERY night is a non-negotiable as your body needs the inactive time to rebuild and repair, form memories, rebalance hormones and reboot for the next day. No sleep = No wellness.

    Sleep Tips: get to bed by 10pm; keep your bedroom cool, dark and quiet; avoid screens (TV, computer, cell phone, etc.) within 1 hour of bedtime; limit caffeine in the afternoon; workout earlier in the day.

  4. Start your day with an immune-boosting tonic - the combo of ginger, lemon and cayenne pepper is naturally antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and great for boosting circulation (aka nutrient and oxygen delivery to your 50-100 trillion cells).

    Recipe: steep 3-4 thin slices of fresh ginger in a mug of hot water for 10 minutes. Add the juice of 1/2 lemon, a couple shakes of cayenne pepper and drink first thing in the morning (pre-coffee) to aid digestion, boost energy and encourage a morning bowel movement.

  5. Load up on immune-boosting superfoods - before antibiotics, antivirals, and even probiotic supplements, there was food. Whether you’re trying to prevent sickness or are feeling under the weather, foods such as raw garlic, onions, Manuka honey and coconut oil can help naturally fight off invaders while boosting your front line of defense. At the same time, I highly encourage you to eliminate sugar and dairy from your diet.

    Emergency Remedy: upon the initial cold and flu-like symptoms (sore throat, cough, congestion, runny nose, fever, aches and pain), I recommend taking oregano oil 2-3 times throughout the day. Although I’m not a huge proponent of ingesting essential oils, this is the one exception I make to the rules–and trust me, it works!

Immunity is not only important for preventing colds and flu, it’s essential for optimizing your quality of life. After all, having strength, energy, vitality and brain power is highly unlikely when the immune system is compromised. Important Note: prevention is KEY–instead of waiting to get sick, start incorporating these habits into your daily routine TODAY!

Want to learn more? Click HERE to book a One-On-One Coaching Session with me.

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