The Power Of Greens

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From kale and spinach to basil, parsley and oregano, dark leafy greens top the list of healthiest foods on planet Earth!

Packed with chlorophyll, vitamin K, calcium, magnesium, fiber, carotenoids and even omega-3 fats, this category of veggies is incredibly energizing, alkalizing, heart healthy, bone strengthening, detoxifying, cancer fighting and great for digestion.

I recommend getting in at least 2 servings of greens (1 serving = 1 cup raw or 1/2 cup cooked) per day. Here are some of my favorite ways to incorporate them in:

  1. Add a handful to your morning smoothie or omelet - energize, fight bloating and boost brain power first thing in the morning by including greens in your breakfast.

    A few of my favorites: spinach or swiss chard in a smoothie, arugula in an omelet and microgreens atop avocado toast.

  2. Commit to eating a salad a day - ”a salad a day keeps the doctor away”! Aside from adding roughage (which is constipation relieving, detoxifying and cholesterol balancing), salads also load your body up with powerful nutrients (without a whole lotta calories) that shut off hunger and cravings.

    Pro tips: simplify lunch by making a salad or bowl, always being sure to rotate your greens and add a bitter element (endive, radicchio, dandelion greens) for digestive support. When indulging in your favorite meal (i.e. a burger, pizza), ALWAYS order a side salad to offset.

  3. Make a pesto - great in pasta, a sandwich or atop chicken, pesto is an easy (and tasty) way to pack in greens for adults and kids alike.

    Dairy-free pesto recipe: simply add 1 c. of greens (spinach or kale work best), 1 c. of basil, 1/2 c. nuts (i.e. pine nuts, almonds, walnuts), 2 tbsp. nutritional yeast (optional), 2 garlic cloves, 2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice and 1/2 tsp. sea salt to a food processor and blend into a paste. Then, while the machine is running, slowly add in 1/4 c. extra-virgin olive oil. Store in an air-tight, sealed glass container in the fridge for up to 1 week or freeze in ice cube trays and store cubes in the freezer for up to 2 months.

  4. Add them to soups - if you’re experiencing a lot of bloating, gas or other indigestion-related symptoms, the “salad a day” approach may not be right for you at this time. Instead of avoiding veggies altogether, I recommend enjoying them cooked and pureed (rather than raw). Soups are an easy way to add in a lot of easily-digested veggies.

    How to: make this green soup (one of my personal favorites!), add your favorite green to your next batch or finish off your soup with herbs such as parsley or cilantro.

  5. Take them on-the-go - if you’re anything like me, the days are busy. Whether I’m traveling, working or running out of the door in the morning, getting in as many plant-based foods as possible remains a top priority. From greens to berries, and everything in-between, fruits and veggies fuel my day, keeping my brain sharp, energy high (and sustained) and body strong.

    Favorite greens powder: I LOVE the Purium Power Shake! This is a complete meal replacement that provides 140 calories, 5g fiber and 7g protein per serving. Plus, it’s loaded with superfoods such as spirulina, wheatgrass, oat grass, alfalfa, carrots and chia that will keep you balanced and boosted all day long! Simply add a serving to a Blender Bottle, mix with filtered water, shake up and go.

Low on energy, brain foggy, stiff, achy, bloated and hungry all the time, the majority of people could use a GREENS intervention! Whether you commit to upping your salad game first or opt for the supplemental “greens powder and go” approach, any movement towards adding more greens to your diet is a win in my book.

Want more guidance? Click HERE to book a One-On-One Coaching Session with me.

Important Note: leafy greens are rich in vitamin K, a nutrient that promotes healthy blood clotting. If you are on a blood thinner, it’s important to slowly increase (or stay consistent with) your intake to avoid counteracting your medication.

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