Sugar Cravings Taking Over? Easy Solutions That Work


Did you know that sugar can be up to 8 times as addictive as cocaine?! It’s in EVERYTHING and it’s easily the most accessible drug out there.

Although the recommended daily limit for sugar intake is between 6-9 teaspoons per day (depending on gender, activity level and age) and less than 1 cup per week, the average American is consuming over 6 cups of sugar a week!

Sugar = inflammation = aches, pain, weight gain, fatigue, brain fog, depression, anxiety and suppressed immune function.

Unfortunately, eating sugar is a slippery slope: the more you have, the more you crave and the more you crave, the more you have!⁠ Although it’s hard to break, this vicious cycle can be quite manageable, and easier than you think, if you have the right tools.⁠

Here are my top tips for curbing sugar cravings:⁠

  1. Eat a protein-rich breakfast within an hour of rising⁠ - protein takes longer to digest: 2-4 hours vs. 30-60 minutes for carbohydrates. When you have cereal, a bagel, toast or muffin for breakfast, your blood sugar spikes, insulin (fat-storage hormone) rises and you crash shortly thereafter leading you to crave quick the quickest source of energy (simple carbs + sugar) to get back up again. This sets you on a “blood sugar rollercoaster” for the day.

    By having a protein-rich breakfast instead, i.e. eggs + veggies or a superfood smoothie, you stabilize your blood sugar for the day. Incredibly important for mood and energy balance, blood sugar balance also equates to less hanger, cravings and anxiety.

  2. Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water per day⁠ - thirst is often misinterpreted as hunger; thus, staying well-hydrated is KEY to curbing hunger and cravings. Dehydration also makes you tired and given that sugar is the quickest burning fuel, your body calls for it (via cravings) when it needs an immediate pick-me-up.

    Aim to drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water per day to stay energized, balanced and nourished.

  3. Take probiotics⁠ - an overgrowth of bad gut bugs such as Candida albicans can occur when you are intaking a lot of sugar. Why? Sugar is their lifeline. Kill off bad, opportunistic gut bugs while supporting good gut bacteria by taking a daily probiotic. This supports digestion, boosts the mood and helps fight off those nasty cravings.

  4. Swap sugar-laden juices for fiber-rich smoothies - although fresh-pressed juices can be a wonderful way to infuse your body with quickly-absorbed nutrients, they are often fruit-heavy, thus high in sugar. Furthermore, when you remove the pulp, you remove the fiber, which is a key component to blood sugar stability and satiation. Smoothies, on the other hand, retain all components of the produce, including the fiber, which helps keep you full for longer.

  5. Cut the flour products - simple carbs such as bread, pasta, chips and crackers turn directly into sugar in the bloodstream. Opt for whole grains - brown rice, quinoa, oats - instead!

Sugar is a beast and cravings can easily take ahold of your life, if you let them. Whether you’re struggling with weight gain, mood swings, fatigue, restless nights or constant thoughts of food, these 5 tips can help you take back control of your life, health and wellbeing. It’s time to eliminate those nasty cravings for good!

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